pub struct IDirect3DSurface9Vtbl {
pub parent: IDirect3DResource9Vtbl,
pub GetContainer: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, riid: *const IID, ppContainer: *mut *mut VOID) -> HRESULT,
pub GetDesc: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pDesc: *mut D3DSURFACE_DESC) -> HRESULT,
pub LockRect: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pLockedRect: *mut D3DLOCKED_RECT, pRect: *const RECT, Flags: DWORD) -> HRESULT,
pub UnlockRect: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT,
pub GetDC: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, phdc: *mut HDC) -> HRESULT,
pub ReleaseDC: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, hdc: HDC) -> HRESULT,
parent | |
GetContainer | |
GetDesc | |
LockRect | |
UnlockRect | |
GetDC | |
ReleaseDC | |
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