pub struct IRunningObjectTableVtbl {
pub parent: IUnknownVtbl,
pub Register: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, grfFlags: DWORD, punkObject: *mut IUnknown, pmkObjectName: *mut IMoniker, pdwRegister: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT,
pub Revoke: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, dwRegister: DWORD) -> HRESULT,
pub IsRunning: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, pmkObjectName: *mut IMoniker) -> HRESULT,
pub GetObject: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, pmkObjectName: *mut IMoniker, ppunkObject: *mut *mut IUnknown) -> HRESULT,
pub NoteChangeTime: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, dwRegister: DWORD, pfiletime: *mut FILETIME) -> HRESULT,
pub GetTimeOfLastChange: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, pmkObjectName: *mut IMoniker, pfiletime: *mut FILETIME) -> HRESULT,
pub EnumRunning: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IRunningObjectTable, ppenumMoniker: *mut *mut IEnumMoniker) -> HRESULT,
parent | |
Register | |
Revoke | |
IsRunning | |
GetObject | |
NoteChangeTime | |
GetTimeOfLastChange | |
EnumRunning | |
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