pub struct D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC {
pub FillMode: D3D11_FILL_MODE,
pub CullMode: D3D11_CULL_MODE,
pub FrontCounterClockwise: BOOL,
pub DepthBias: INT,
pub DepthBiasClamp: FLOAT,
pub SlopeScaledDepthBias: FLOAT,
pub DepthClipEnable: BOOL,
pub ScissorEnable: BOOL,
pub MultisampleEnable: BOOL,
pub AntialiasedLineEnable: BOOL,
FillMode | |
CullMode | |
FrontCounterClockwise | |
DepthBias | |
DepthBiasClamp | |
SlopeScaledDepthBias | |
DepthClipEnable | |
ScissorEnable | |
MultisampleEnable | |
AntialiasedLineEnable | |
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