Struct winapi::shobjidl::IFileOpenDialog
pub struct IFileOpenDialog { pub lpVtbl: *const IFileOpenDialogVtbl, }
lpVtbl |
pub struct IFileOpenDialog { pub lpVtbl: *const IFileOpenDialogVtbl, }
lpVtbl |
impl IFileOpenDialog
unsafe fn GetResults(&mut self, ppenum: *mut *mut IShellItemArray) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetSelectedItems(&mut self, ppsai: *mut *mut IShellItemArray) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetFileTypes(&mut self, cFileTypes: UINT, rgFilterSpec: *const COMDLG_FILTERSPEC) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetFileTypeIndex(&mut self, iFileType: UINT) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetFileTypeIndex(&mut self, piFileType: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn Advise(&mut self, pfde: *mut IFileDialogEvents, pdwCookie: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn Unadvise(&mut self, dwCookie: DWORD) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetOptions(&mut self, fos: FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetOptions(&mut self, pfos: *mut FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetDefaultFolder(&mut self, psi: *mut IShellItem) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetFolder(&mut self, psi: *mut IShellItem) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetFolder(&mut self, ppsi: *mut *mut IShellItem) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetCurrentSelection(&mut self, ppsi: *mut *mut IShellItem) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetFileName(&mut self, pszName: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetFileName(&mut self, pszName: *mut LPWSTR) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetTitle(&mut self, pszTitle: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetOkButtonLabel(&mut self, pszText: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetFileNameLabel(&mut self, pszLabel: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn GetResult(&mut self, ppsi: *mut *mut IShellItem) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn AddPlace(&mut self, psi: *mut IShellItem, fdap: FDAP) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetDefaultExtension(&mut self, pszDefaultExtension: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn Close(&mut self, hr: HRESULT) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetClientGuid(&mut self, guid: REFGUID) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn ClearClientData(&mut self) -> HRESULT
unsafe fn SetFilter(&mut self, pFilter: *mut IShellItemFilter) -> HRESULT
impl Deref for IFileOpenDialog
type Target = IFileDialog
fn deref(&self) -> &IFileDialog
impl DerefMut for IFileOpenDialog
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut IFileDialog
impl Debug for IFileOpenDialog
Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.
) to restrict the search to a given type.
Accepted types are: fn
, mod
, enum
, typedef
Search functions by type signature (e.g.
vec -> usize